Nollywood, the Nigerian film industry, stands as the world’s second-largest film industry by volume, trailing only Bollywood. Over the past three decades, it has...
Over the last 24 hours, Jasmycoin (JASMY) has remained confined within a narrow trading range. It is currently priced at $0.018954 but is struggling...
The world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is ever-evolving, offering countless opportunities for both seasoned and new investors alike. One project that's rapidly gaining attention...
The Star Wars series "The Acolyte," which takes place 100 years before "The Phantom Menace," has been officially canceled after its first season. The...
Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige have reignited the Marvel Cinematic Universe, unveiling a slate of upcoming releases with confirmed dates.
"Deadpool and Wolverine" has been...